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YWednesday, March 18, 2009
hmmm.. the same words again.. did not update for a long time.. today is 2009 18 of March.. by now i thinking nobody will come to my blog n take alook liao ba.. haha

let me update.. last year i can say i have done alot of things let me name out wahaha....

1) going taiwan with see gim
2) end a relationship that last for 3 year
3) met a lovely guy that treat me very good (excellent) hehe
4) change a new job (small company)
5) see n learn alot in last year 2008
6) learning driving in SSDC
7) re-paint my room (new look)
8) have my own TV & dvd player in room

soo far thats all.. seen like abit of things but taking time to change oh.. time really fly still had alot of things did not done soo sad wanted to go for partime study but have to settle my driving 1st left 1 more lesson to go for TP test.. wish that i can complete everything n get my license by April~May.so that i can go for my study.

This year 2009 wish..
1) go for partime study
2) overseas trip with my boi boi this year end
3) earning more than 2008

thats enough.. bec the above wish need time to come true..

that all..

TO BE CONTINUE...............


i just love PURPLE!
3:36 PM

YSunday, November 18, 2007
wahooo.. is really a long time i did not post anything in my blog.. hmm.. this fewdays my computer have problem.. n now is ok hmm.. that time singlet ppl come to my house fix the MIO modem so my internet can use lorr...

hmm.. really feel like changing job again.. this job n the enviroment really don suit me... going to study?? i oso don know.. don know wat can i do.. if i not working i have to go study.. if i not going to study i have to go work.. y life is like that.. bec of the monthly salary n the knowleage.. confuse.. can i just wait for the money felling down from the sky.. n i just need to pick up the money.. think too much liao la.. dreaming..

ok let me stop at here.. i have to go work lor.. byebye..

to bec contiune.....................................


i just love PURPLE!
10:57 AM

YThursday, October 11, 2007
today my father come back lorrrrr.. hahaha.. happy right wish him can take care of himself.. haiz..

hmm.. from today onwards i have my own room lorrr... haha good right hai.. have to sleep alone liao..

hai.. so angry!!!! friends i will contiune my story in other blog.. u know wat is the link right.. c u there

continue in other blog...............


i just love PURPLE!
9:03 PM

YSaturday, October 06, 2007
一坡为平,一坡又起。。。just come back from hospital, the previous things haven't settle now new problem come again.. this 2 months y so many problem huh???

有时一个ren看起来很坚强,但是他们的背后是很碎落的。haiz.. u all don understand wan la..

will be continue in other blog.....................................


i just love PURPLE!
10:12 PM

YSunday, September 30, 2007
currently this 2 weeks alot of things happen.. n bec of this things my mood always going down.. i think bec i m getting older ba n everyday the world n my friends around me is changing.. feeling very sad about it.. like everything have just happen ytd.. starting my head is very heavy n now i feel that my head is EMPTY nothing inside i oso don know wat m i doing.. don wish to think about it..

2 years relationship i have learn alot of things, see alot of things n miss out alot of things bec of this 2yrs i don know where i m now?? it just like everything happen ytd n end at ytd.. everything happen so fast.. between he n me.. 2years relationship like 2days only.. i totally don know who is he.. r u the person i know 2years ago?? or u r my new friend 2days ago?? so confuse!!! who r u?? hmm now this is not important to me already.. the things u promise me PLS remember to do it.. i just can say "i believe u so much trust u so much wat i get in the end??" just wan to settle this problem n continue my life..

from Monday onwards.. i think i have alot alot of work to do.. time pass so fast.. this yr 20 yrs old.. after a few months i going to 21 yrs old.. after that the time will become faster n faster.. haiz.. life is like that.. i have alot of dreams from now i will work for it hope that it's not too late for me.. jia you jia you..

TO BE CONTINUEEEEEE......................


i just love PURPLE!
12:09 PM

YSaturday, September 22, 2007
has been a long time i did not update my blog feel lazy again... this few days i have start my new job.. hmm account assistant.. my 1st account job.. starting cannot get use of it... ytd Friday i heard my colleague say that one of the company billing is quite difficult so now i have to start learning next time i will take charge of it.. omg i m a fresh graduated starting give me a hard task to do.. i quite miss my previous job... can chat with sale man listen to music can do anything in anytime so free n easy.. but for my job now.. haiz.. i very scare stay over time every day have alot of things to do.. no music listen only can listen ppl talking n gossip omg... sometime really not funny but they can laugh until siao.. haiz i think got age gap.. omg.. than now everyday reach home wash up n have to go sleep liao.. cannot online chat or do other things.. on sat n sun can do personal things like update blog.. haiz.. don know la... so tried haha.. don worry be happy...

to be continue..................


i just love PURPLE!
12:24 PM

YSaturday, September 15, 2007
1 week past again.. and this week is my very very sad week.. i have change my job.. this sat.. i mean tml is my last day in Motor Traders.. i really miss the fun the laughter, the food, the relax time i have in the past 7 months really have sadness n happy things happen.. Motor Traders is my first perm job i never forget.. the ppl really very nice teach me alot of things and some of them really scare me change a new job n i cannot take it.. it means too stress for me la.. but i still young i have to move forward i need to work hard to get wat i wan... may be one day i will regret but if i don try how i know wat will happen in my future m i right...

Monday take 1 day off prepare all my things and Tuesday i will start my work.. jia you jia you.. wish me all the best ba... i will work hard very hard extremely hard.. yes yes yes...

if i start my new job.. i cannot c my handsome guy that every time walk pass me wan.. haiz.. sad but i think is for the been time only la.. a few weeks or few months i will forget about it lei... hmm don think to much.. money more important haha..

i have one "mimi" to tell but say liao is a "mimi" how to write in my blog siao.. hmm.. have to find some one to listen to me.. u should know who r u right.. got time than tell u.. but have to meet u up 1st hehe.. ok la.. tml my boss son birthday hohoh he having a BBQ.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LITTLE BOY.. muack love u oh...

to be continueee....


i just love PURPLE!
12:00 AM

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